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Quebec Artist Diane Desmarais

Quebec Artist Diane Desmarais
Ink, on paper, on board
Au dela des mers, en dela des monts par dela Paris!
Beyond the seas, beyond the mountains, beyond Paris!
Measures framed 26.5 x 34.75 inches
Shipping Available
Packaging details for shipping
28 x 36 x 4 inches
10 lbs
$ 50.00 packaging & handling fee
Buyers pay choice of transport

Artist Info
Throughout Diane Desmarais' extensive career of more than thirty years, she has displayed an unending commitment to her own personal expression as an artist. Her flowing, sensual figures exhibit both intense emotion and sensitivity that can be universally understood. Desmarais was born in Hull, Quebec in 1946 and graduated from Montreal's Ecole des Beaux-arts in 1969. Desmarais' work has been sold in all four continents of the world, housed in both public and private art collections. Her first solo exhibition took place in 1979 in Hull, Quebec and she has since shown her work in various solo and group exhibitions both in Canada and internationally. Desmarais' paintings are part of many important collections of art collectors and even celebrities such as Samuel L. Jackson.

For Trade (preferably for Cash-Make an Offer)

Part Number: Lot 112

Being traded by Auction Consignment Dennery in Lombardy, Ontario, Canada

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