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Oil Painting-Cdn Listed Artist Erkki Jalava

Beautiful oil painting by Canadian Listed Artist Erkki Jalava
Oil on board measures 18 x 24 inches
Framed 25 x 31 x 1.5 inches
Shipping Dimensions: 26 X 32 X 4.5 Inches
Shipping weight : 15 lbs approximately
Erkki Jalava, born in Finland, embarked on his Canadian journey alongside his family in 1952. Today, he stands as a distinguished Canadian artist, with his creations beautifully curated in the National Gallery of Canada - Library and Archives, as well as the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography. Through the passage of time, Erkki Jalava's artistic eminence within the Jalava family of artists has grown, and his works have garnered global admiration.

$400.00 CAD

Part Number: Lot 484-400

Being sold by The Perth Flea Market in Perth, Ontario, Canada

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